Wednesday, September 7, 2011


So it has been a while since I've updated my page. I'll share some of the things which have happened to me since my last updage.

Amber and I were walking to the park, to play ukulele and spend time together, and an owl flew directly overhead. I've lived in the west Olympia area for years, and I've never had an owl fly over me. It was a great moment for me, Amber laughed at how excited I got over that. Sadly it was too dark for me to be able to see what kind it was. Those tricky owls.

A different day, at work I saw these little red-faced birds. I think they were House-finches. They were pretty adorable. I saw them and then they flew away immediately, so I was unable to ovserve its behavior.

The Osprey are gone. This makes me sad. I look every day at their nest to see if I spot one standing there on the branch, but they're gone. Hopefully I'll see them again some day, but I doubt it. They are on to bigger and better things. I'm sad to see them go, but I'm happy that I got to observe them this summer. They are really cool birds and I loved watching them.

The Red-tailed hawks are still around, but they have been off doing their own thing, and not following me around as much as they used too. There was a couple of times where they followed me around on my mower from area to area. Maybe it was just coincidence, but I'd like to think they are my pals. I'm sure I'll see more of them before the end of the summer.

Today I was riding my bike to Jon's house and I saw a pair of Stellar's Jays hanging out by The Peace Tree. (The Peace Tree is a neat creation located on a bike trail on the west side of Olympia. People put poems there, and art and other random things.) It was cool. One of them had Three spikes in its crest. The other was smaller, and had a less pronounced crest.

There have been a whole lot of Killdeer on the golf course lately. There are less American Robins, but the Killdeer are out in full force. It is almost as if they recruited reinforcements. They are adorable birds with snow white bellies. And they peep. I call them Peepers.

We also have been over run by Canada geese. There was one with a broken leg, I was going to catch him, but my boss told me that we should just let nature take its course. Whether it is still alive and shambling (like me), or dead in the gut of the coyote pack I don't know. I do know that at the end of the year if we don't get the geese to move on, someone from the city will kill them, and so we are trying to scare them away. I take every chance I see to drive a golf cart through their gatherings and scare them away. It's cool to watch them all take off and fly away as a unit.

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